

February 19, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. John 3v16


God’s love for us is immeasurable, it just cannot be measured. He loved us even before we were born, in fact, even before we were in our mother’s womb. He planned our lives, justified us, glorified us and ordered our footsteps. When we got born again it was a fulfillment of what he had already planned. He is alpha and omega. That is, he is the beginning and the end. God knows our end from the very beginning so we need never fear or ask the question, what will I do? In the bible it says, he will never give us more than we can endure, but with every temptation, he will provide a means of escape. God knows exactly how much we can take. There is an endurance that he has placed within us, that is not our own. The Holy Spirit power within us, is the grace that is sufficient to face the trial or challenge head on, because really, we are not in charge. God is in charge. We need to yield to the holy Spirit and pray for God’s will to be done in our lives.


We always say we love God, that is wonderful, now consider how much God loves you, even more than our parents or spouse, God loves us. His love is unconditional. There is no reason for him loving us, He just does. In fact he loved us so much that he was prepared to part with his only begotten son Jesus, so that we could be set free from our sins and become his family again. What a price Jesus paid for salvation for us. However, the word says that, He set his face as a flint! He was determined to fulfill his call. He was relentless in his desire to fulfill his mission to which he was called. Please remember God loves you, whenever the Devil tells you that you are not loved. Remind him that you are God’s beloved and the apple of his eye.




I have an antidote to fear, love! Love casts out all fear. Faith works by love.

Love is God in action in our lives.

Wisdom works through love.

Love overlooks an offense.

Love is patient and kind and as I let the Holy Spirit work in me, this patience and kindness becomes my character. I lean on You, holy Spirit, come and work this love in me.

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