

February 29, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. Acts 2v1


This day in our Calender comes every 4 years. It is not a common occurrence. Well, the day of Pentecost was not an ordinary day in the lives of God’s people. It was a day of empowerment. A day when a new heavenly language was given to us. A day when this language gave us power to speak in line with the will of God and know that he hears us.

When the people built the tower of Babel was built, God caused everyone to speak another language. There was unity with those people of that land that caused them to build the tower of Babel hoping to reach God. Now on this day of Pentecost, everyone was in unity and one accord and God restored a language that was now common to every believer. With this language we are in union with God and we speak words that God alone understands. What power, what a privilege we have been given as sons of God. When we come to God with this language, the holy spirit prays on our behalf in accordance with the will of God and God hears and answers.


We may not understand what we are saying, but God does, this new language brings in a new season, empowers us to live successfully and victoriously in this new season. There is a suddenly in our lives as we are in union with God.




This is a new day, a new season of power and victory.

There are open doors of opportunity and I am empowered by God to walk through those doors.

The anointing in me is enough to strengthen me and give me power to overcome every challenge.

There is a suddenly taking place in my life today, whatever I need is provided for by God as I speak my heavenly language.

It is indeed a new day and a new season.

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