

April 6, 2022

Father, You know all of my thoughts and the attitudes of my heart. May my spoken words and “unspoken thoughts be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

You gave me Your Word as a weapon to fight impure and unholy thoughts. Your Word is alive and more powerful than any weapon known to man; it is able to pull down all evil strongholds.

I will concentrate on truth, goodness, and righteousness. I will think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the good attributes in others. I will think about all that I can praise You for and be glad about.

I thank You for giving me the helmet of salvation to guard my mind. As I commit to stay in Your Word daily, I will begin to think more and more like You, Father. I will diligently guard my mind and heart by not allowing unhealthy thoughts to control me.

Thank You for giving me the mind of Christ. Help me to make all my thoughts obedient to Jesus, the Word.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen