

February 20, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. Ep. 2v6


I would love for you to keep this in mind each morning as you get up. I may be getting off my bed right now, however, I am seated with Christ in heavenly places. Even in my sleep, Jesus was seated at the right hand of the Father and I was seated with him in heavenly places. There was a conversation between the Father and Jesus and I was the subject being discussed, I am part of that conversation. I get to participate in the discussion between Father and Son. My future, my present and my day are all handled even before I arise each day. I choose to become part of the conversation so I operate by the will of God and the decisions made in this heavenly realm. In every challenge there is a solution. In every difficulty the holy spirit is my strength. If there is a question that needs answering, God will, by the Holy Spirit who lives on the inside of me, give me the answer. Jesus is my wisdom and righteousness so I start my life each day in a position of strength and power.


When you consider this heavenly realm, I hope that you get excited, imagine, Father and son having a conversation about You. Yes, you are that important, never put yourself down. You are seated with Christ in heavenly places. Heaven knows you. Your name is written down in the book of life. Who can stop you, whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth, is loosed in heaven. You are important and valuable to God. Have that conversation.



I am seated with Christ in heavenly places.

I am the beloved of God.

I have the right to a conversation with God.

Jesus is my faithful high priest and he forever makes intercession for me.

I matter to God. I am his beloved.

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