

February 23, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

This I declare about the LORD:

He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;

he is my God, and I trust him.

For he will rescue you from every trap

and protect you from deadly disease.

He will cover you with his feathers.

He will shelter you with his wings.

His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Psalm 91v2-4


I would like to suggest that you ponder this topic. You enjoy divine protection each and every day of your life. There may be many things happening around you but in the midst of everything God protects you. Harm and danger may come to others, but you have an army of angels surrounding you to protect you. In Psalm 91 it says, a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you. He protects you from danger. Nothing can harm you. No matter the traps set by the enemy, no weapon formed against you can prosper. Even if someone speaks against you, you have the power to condemn this tongue or evil speaking in Jesus name.


When the evil one plots anything through people, somehow God will let you know whilst protecting you all the time. Do not let people bother you when they speak against you. God is working on your behalf to prepare the way of your promotion and good success. When people talk about you, it means you are important and you are about to fulfill a great mission that is intimidating the devil so he wants to take you out. No, No, no, it will never happen, God is working in you and for you. Never be afraid, you are protected.



I am God’s beloved. I am the object of his favour. I am sheltered un his wings and protected by the blood of Jesus. He builds a hedge of protection around me. I am protected from the horrors and evil works of the devil. No matter what happens around me, I have my heavenly Father and his angels protecting me. I declare I am Psalm 91 protected each and every day.

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