
17th May 2024


May 17, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

Healed Naaman’s leprosy (2Ki 5).


Elisha saw more in life than most people because he recognized that with God there was more to life. He knew that all we are and have comes to us from God. The miracles that occurred during Elisha’s ministry put people in touch with the personal and all-powerful God. Elijah would have been proud of his replacement’s work.

We, too, have great examples to follow—both people in Scripture and those who have positively influenced our lives. We must resist the tendency to think about the limitations that our family background or environment create for us. Instead, we should ask God to use us for his purposes—perhaps, like Elijah, to take a stand against great wrongs or, like Elisha, to show compassion for the daily needs of those around us. Ask him to use you as only he can.


In the ministry of Elisha, even though Jesus had not come yet in the form of flesh and died and rose again, God still placed in Elisha the power of Jehovah Rapha, God our healer. Yes, the anointing to heal. This healing anointing was powerful enough to heal Naman of his leprosy.


Family of God let God fill you with his anointing of healing, so you can lay hands on the sick and they can recover and see the power of God to heal. Spend time in his presence and this anointing will start to flow, its powerful. This healing anointing heals your relationships with others as you bring healing wherever you go.



 Holy Spirit anoint me to heal the sick, the sick in heart and mind and body. Work through me so the power of God can touch and draw people to Jesus. The world is in need of healing, use me Lord, I am willing to be used to heal this broken world.

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