
For Your Children’s Future

Father, Your Word tells me that children are a gift and reward from You. You promise that they will have much peace when taught in Your ways. I dedicate to You today, that they may be raised as You desire and will follow the path that You choose for them. Father, I speak Your Word this day over them. I thank You that when we speak Your words out, they don’t return to You without doing everything that You send them to do.
Heavenly Father, I commit myself, as a parent to teach to live the right way, trusting in Your promise that when they are grown they will still do right. I give all my worries of raising my children to You, Lord, knowing that You care for me. I will not provoke my children but I will love them and leave them in Your care. I will do as Your Word tells me to and teach my children Your commands. I will talk about them when we are sitting at home, on the road, when we lie down and when we get up. Your grace is all that I need. Your power works[…]”
“ather, thank You for protecting my children and being their place of safety. I trust in You for all of this.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”