
21st May 2024


May 21, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

This is the apostle Paul. The tireless church planter who has traveled all over the world. The preacher who has liberated people in every port. The servant of God bound only by the will of God is now in chains—stuck in a dingy house—attached to a Roman officer.

He is restricted by walls and is “in chains” (Philippians 1:13). He is afflicted by those who want to “stir up trouble” (verse 17). He is conflicted by the dangers he is facing—“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (verse 21).


The life of Paul was no easy life. In his calling, God lets the prophet who had to pray for him to be delivered from the blindness which came upon him when he came off his horse to meet the master Jesus. He lets the prophet know that Paul would suffer many things. This Paul does suffer many things, yet in all his suffering He writes most of the New Testatment. Suffering and affliction was so much a part of Paul’s life, that eventually it never bothered him, through it all he had to build and encourage the church, that was what he was called to.

Paul had an incredible relationship with God the Father who he knew personally and the Holy Spirit who was his constant companion.


Our calling is sure, we are daily established as we fellowship with the Father and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us. Do not give in to fear or crumble under the weight of your present circumstances. Christ in you is the hope of glory. In him you live and move and have your being. Have God confidence and stand strong, nothing can overcome you. You are more than an overcomer. You have Jesus with you and on your side.



 Holy Spirit as I enter this day, I put my trust in Jesus and I know you will strengthen me with might on the inner man. I am not afraid of anything I face, because I am not alone, The Father, the son and Spirit sustain me and keep me and I am more than a conqueror in this life.

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