

February 18, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay. 1Peter 4v8


The world says love is overrated. What do you say? God is love. Love has been shed abroad our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Just from that statement you can see how important it is to God. Why? When we were born again, he sent his holy spirit to come and deposit love into our hearts so we do not have to use ordinary love, no we have the foundation of God kind of love as a starting point in our lives. Here the Holy Spirit begins the work of righteousness in our hearts and lives and builds love into our hearts and life. At first it is hard to love in our natural state, however, the holy spirit solves this problem by filling us each and every day with his power and love. He tops us up, where we have allowed love to leak out of our lives though unforgiveness or anything that we might have done contrary to the will and purposes of God. we are love beings. The old nature of sin has been cleansed but the flesh and old heart still has a memory of the old self so we tend to lean towards the old sin nature. We are delivered and set free from the old nature, we are now the righteousness of God.


Each morning as you arise, say, “holy Spirit, good morning, come and help me live, walk and talk to day. I need you. I cannot live this life without you.” He then tops up the love in your heart. He gives you a desire for his word and gives you revelation of his word so you can grow and live pleasing to God. Do not try and live this life in your own strength. You have a helper and comforter. He is waiting for you to call on him.



Holy Spirit come, fill my heart, fill my mind.

As I read and study the word, please give me revelation.

Give me a revelation of the love of God so I let be the standard by which I live.

This life I now live, is not my own life, but by faith in the son of God.

I do not live this life in my own strength. I live by the faith of the son of God and in his love.

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