

February 21, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. Luke 2v52


Jesus increased in Favour with God and man. If Jesus as the son of God needed to increase in favour, the same applies to us. Daily we grow in wisdom and favour before God and men. Our future is bright and well planned out by the great architect of our lives. Jesus the great I am. My footsteps are ordered by the Lord. He plans my every day and also the people he needs to meet. Nothing about me just happens, no, my heavenly father knows about it. He makes the way straight and strengthens me for each battle and every victory.


I have favour with God and man, not because of who I am, but who Christ is in me. I have unmerited favour, I have the grace of God on my life working on my behalf. I have the holy Spirit power working on my behalf. I am highly favoured by my God.



I am blessed. I am favoured with God and man. I have unmerited favour. My way is made open all the days of my life. God is working in me, both to will and do his good purpose in my life. I am anointed with favour, it’s a gift of God.

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