
19th May 2024


May 19, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

The great man, a spokesman for God, was warning—and condemning. He was called by God.

But most were angry, and they began to shout back insults and threats.

Such was the life of a prophet.

The “office” of prophet was instituted during the days of Samuel, the last of the judges. Prophets stood with the priests as God’s special representatives. The prophet’s role was to speak for God, confronting the people and their leaders with God’s commands and promises. Because of this confrontational stance and the continuing tendency of people to disobey God, true prophets usually were not very popular.


Imagine that, Isaiah was called by God to be a prophet to the nation, but he did not enjoy a very pleasant life as he delivered messages to the people that were not very welcoming. His messages judged them and made them reflect on their lives. Isaiah knew what the other prophets had suffered yet he heeded the called. He did what God called him to do. Unfortunately, he was never very popular with people, but he pleased God. His relationship with God was far more important than his relationship with man.


We are called of God and in most cases were are a little weary of accepting the call because we know the price that has to be paid to fulfil the call. So, we are hesitant. We become peculiar to people, we stand out, we are not really accepted if we become too radical in our faith and in our belief. Today, make a decision, I choose God and I yield to the call on my life. it may be unpopular but to please God and live in his will is what we are called to do. Choose the God life today.



Holy Spirit help me each and every day as I make the unpopular decision to fulfil the call of God on my life. Help me to stay the course even when people criticize me and the way becomes difficult. Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. Help me with my relationship with the Father, so, I am effective in my relationships with my fellow man.

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