
Song of Songs

A Biblical Vision for Marriage, Sex, and the Body

Fighting For The Biblical Worldview - Sermon Transcript

November 19, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Matthew 19:3–8

Walls Vs. Doors - Sermon Transcript

November 12, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Song of Songs 8:8–14

Do Not Awaken Love Until It's Time - Sermon Transcript

November 5, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Song of Songs 8:1–7

Fighting For The Biblical Worldview

November 19, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Matthew 19:3–8

Do you ever wonder how society's shifting perspectives on marriage and sex are impacting your relationships? We're peeling back layers of cultural messaging this final sermon of our Song of Songs series--tackling the challenging terrain of societal norms, promiscuity, divorce, and cohabitation. We're discussing how the media, the internet, and popular culture are shaping our views on relationships, and we're offering a counter-narrative rooted in the biblical vision found in the Song of Songs. As we wrap up this series, we're not just talking about the problems, we're exploring solutions from a biblical perspective. We're diving into the purpose and design of marriage, and how this divine blueprint goes beyond self-gratification and personal happiness. We're also discussing the importance of Godly self-care within relationships, and shedding light on the vital role of open communication, grace, and understanding past experiences. Whether you're single or married, we're addressing the common challenges many of us face in our pursuit of meaningful relationships. We're acknowledging the struggles that can surface in marriage, sharing insights on how to reconnect and seek healing, but would invite you to engage with us as we navigate the complexities of intimacy in relationships, and the impact of individual wholeness, on physical intimacy and more fulfilling relationships. ---------- Sex, Marriage, Society, Biblical Perspective, Relationships, Divorce, Media, Self-Gratification, Individual Happiness, Biblical Values, Singleness, Pursuit, Physical Intimacy, Individual Wholeness, Challenges, Healing, Growth, Communication, Boundaries, Biblical Teaching, Doxa, Seattle, Redmond, Church

Walls Vs. Doors

November 12, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Song of Songs 8:8–14

Have you ever considered how a thousand-year-old love poetry might be relevant to your modern love life? Our latest sermon takes you on a deep dive into the Song of Songs and its depiction of sex and marriage. Anchoring this exploration is our reading of Song of Songs, chapter 8, verses 8-14. This week, we look at the essence of being "set apart" and choosing purity as we navigate sex, marriage, and relationships. We consider the concept of holiness, as a call to value our bodies and our relationship with God. Taking cues from Solomon's and the woman's vineyard, we explore what devotion to God looks like and how it necessitates a distinction from worldly pleasures. Moreover, we delve into things that might be hindering spiritual growth--highlighting the transformative role repentance plays in overcoming such obstacles. We lay bare the battle with demonic accusations that block liberation in Christ and urge against blaming others for our sins. We instead highlight how Jesus' sacrifice purges us of our sins and gifts us a new life.  ---------- Sex, Marriage, Song of Songs, Purity, Commitment, Spiritual Growth, Repentance, Jesus, Sacrifice, Cleansing, Redemption, Transformation, Doxa, Redmond, Seattle, Eastside, Church

Do Not Awaken Love Until It's Time

November 5, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Song of Songs 8

Have you pondered the relevance of biblical marriage to modern relationships and the concept of love as we understand it today? Join us as we journey into this semi-erotic love poetry through the Song of Songs as we examine its implications on marriage, sex, and the essence of the human body. We'll unpack the significance of love, its power, and the dangers of awakening it too soon. You'll hear us explore the profound effect of relationships on love and marriage, as well as the repercussions of crossing the line too early, both emotionally and sexually. This journey will not only help you understand the struggles of our world in finding the meaning of sex and marriage but also how this biblical vision can still guide us today. We invite you to discover how this divine love can heal, improve marriages, and provide the spiritual sustenance we all need. We'll also take a look at the importance of enduring love in relationships. We stress on the necessity of trust in God's command to stay committed in marriage. We delve into the idea of a love as strong as death, imprinted on our hearts as a seal. We hope to inspire you, whether you are married or single, to reflect on your personal journey and where you place your trust. Embark on this enlightening journey with us as we reshape your understanding of love and relationships through biblical perspectives. ---------- Love, Marriage, Sex, Relationships, Jesus, Pickiness, Self-Awareness, Self-Work, Stewardship, Submission, Sacrifice, Perseverance, Trust, Commandments, Permanence, Emotions, Communication, Community, Doxa, Redmond, Seattle, Eastside, Gospel

God's Good Design For Sex And Marriage

October 29, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Song of Songs 7

Join use as we explore what chapter 7 of the Song of Songs can teach us in 2023. We examine the intricate sexual experience between the man and woman described in chapter seven, touching on how the poem gives a fresh perspective on the sanctity of sex and marriage. Our bodies are masterfully designed to be beautiful, arousing, and love inducing--but culture often encourages entitlement towards these bodies, and misconceptions arise from this. We'll take a look at how culture today separates personhood from the body, and how that affects sexuality, sexual freedom, and gender identity. We look again at the value-person-body split and its implications on the LGBTQIA+ movement, sexual freedom, and gender identity. Ultimately, we reflect on God's divine design for sex and marriage and how Jesus guides us to what we truly desire. Listen in as we discuss the teachings of Jesus and the original intention of God's design, sin's impact on relationships and identity, culture's impact on body image, and the salvation that comes through Jesus' unconditional love. ---------- Song of Songs, Marriage, Sex, Nancy Pearcey, Love Thy Body, Fact-Value Split, Person-Body Split, LGBTQIA Movement, Sexual Freedom, Gender Identity, Sin, Relationships, Identity, Culture, Body Image, Salvation, Jesus, Unconditional Love

God's Good Design For Sex And Marriage - Sermon Transcript

October 29, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Song of Songs 7:1–5

The Standard Of Beauty In The Bible And In Culture

October 22, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Song of Songs 6

Have you ever thought about the role beauty plays in your marriage? Ever tried to reconcile the mixed signals our culture sends us about beauty? In this section of Song of Songs, we take a look at the praises and compliments lavished by the man on his wife, and how these praises center around her beauty. We take a deep dive into the biblical vision of marriage, drawing from the Song of Songs to examine the beauty of reflecting God's image in our relationships. We don't just stop at physical beauty however--we explore how a person's character can reflect the image of God back to us and the power it holds in relationships. We navigate through the complexities of beauty, discussing how it compels us towards our purpose and delve into the standards of beauty in marriage and how they differ from the ever-changing, unrealistic cultural standards we're faced with day after day. In the digital age, beauty has been weaponized, but, we can look to Jesus to fulfill the God-given desires at work within us, even as culture tries to sell us the lie that fulfillment is only a click away. Join us for this compelling episode where we peel back the layers on beauty, love, and the complex dynamics that play out in a marriage. ---------- Beauty, Marriage, Song of Songs, Biblical Marriage, Culture, Community, Intimacy, Bible, Redmond, Doxa, Church, Eastside, Seattle

The Standard Of Beauty In The Bible And In Culture - Sermon Transcript

October 22, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Song of Songs 6:4–10

This Is My Friend

October 15, 2023 • Donald Zimmerman • Song of Songs 5:10–16

Have you ever considered the powerful relevance of Song of Songs in shaping our current understanding of relationships and marriage? In today's sermon, we take a deep, thoughtful look at this ancient biblical text, exploring its vibrant take on the essence of true friendship. We'll unpack its key attributes – constancy, care, candor, and counsel and navigate the often-rough terrain of finding genuine friends in our modern context. We draw a line between transparency and vulnerability and illustrate why friendship requires a mutually beneficial openness. To wrap our discussion, we take a closer look at the crucial role friendship plays in marriage, colored by physical love, friendship love, and the steadfast love of commitment. We question how the term 'friend' has evolved in our culture and compare this shift to the biblical concept of friendship. Moreover, we look at Jesus' friendship and his embodiment of constancy, care, candor, and counsel. We don't just stop there, but provide practical tips on how we can restore and strengthen our relationships, taking Jesus as our role model. So, join us in this enlightening journey as we dissect relationships from a biblical perspective. ---------- Relationships, Song of Songs, Friendship, Marriage, Family, Home, Discipleship, Companionship, Constancy, Candor, Wealth, Power, Transparency, Vulnerability, Physical Love, Friendship Love, Commitment Love, Jesus, Reciprocity, Openness, Bible, Faithfulness, Strength, Courage, Doxa, Redmond, Eastside

This Is My Friend - Sermon Transcript

October 15, 2023 • Donald Zimmerman • Song of Songs 5:10–16

The Two Sex Paths

October 8, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Song of Songs 3, Song of Songs 4

Join us as we explore the profound impact of sex and marriage in our society. Listen in as we navigate through the increasing trends of promiscuity, divorce, cohabitation, and sexual trauma, yet acknowledge that these advancements are fraught with complications. As we traverse the biblical vision of relationships and the body found in the Song of Solomon, we challenge whether its relevance remains in our current times. We also dissect the media's portrayal of sex and discuss the church's often muted stance on this significant topic.  We'll work to understand the divine design for sex within the context of marriage, taking inspiration from the third chapter of Song of Songs. There's a stark contrast between Solomon's flashy, enticing but ultimately hollow path and the main characters' genuine, wholesome love. Society often gets swayed by the superficial, but the true joy and fulfillment lie in following God's path. Listen in as we address the significance of physical, spiritual, and emotional intimacy in relationships, and the necessity of wisdom and approval from trusted circles when choosing a spouse. Lastly, we reflect on the transformative power of faith and the importance of passionate and faithful relationships as depicted in the Song of Songs. We examine the emotional, spiritual, and sexual aspects of marriage and encourage listeners to persevere in their marital struggles, understanding that sacrifice often paves the way for beautiful redemption. We also contemplate the true purpose of sex in marriage, highlighting that it's more than just physical satisfaction, it's a reflection of the ultimate joy and peace we experience in our relationship with God. Finally, we discuss the healing power of Jesus, acknowledging how divine grace can mend even the most fractured relationships. ---------- Sex, Marriage, Promiscuity, Divorce, Cohabitation, Sexual Trauma, Biblical Teachings, Song of Solomon, Intimacy, Wisdom, Relationships, Joy, Peace, Healing, Transformation, Jesus, Reconciliation, Regret, Holy Spirit, Marriage

Catching Foxes

October 1, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Song of Songs 2:8–17

Join us as we continue to seek wisdom and guidance from the Song of Songs--shedding light on love, sex, marriage, and the body. Together, we'll navigate the intricacies of this beautiful love poem, providing a fresh biblical perspective on the sanctity of marriage and sex. In this sermon, we delve into the richness of chapter 2 of the Song of Songs and begin exploring the deep bond between a man and a woman and the timeless message it holds for us today.  In this sermon, Pastor Eddie, tackles some challenging issues surrounding modern marriage--dissecting the consequences of sin and disobedience, and exploring how these "foxes" can creep into our relationships. We also discuss how to protect and fight for our marriages, highlighting the importance of vigilance and prevention. We'll tackle head-on the issue of submission and sacrificial love in marriage, debunking false narratives and illuminating the true biblical intention behind these instructions.  To round out the conversation, we address the thorny issue of divorce and the redemption that's still possible in troubled marriages. With a focus on seeking reconciliation, we provide practical advice for confessing sins and discuss the value of premarital counseling. Finally, we offer insights on how to prioritize relationships and balance old friendships with marriage commitments, and provide tips for improving marital relationships and creating a loving, respectful partnership. Don't miss this enlightening and inspiring exploration of marriage through the lens of the Song of Songs. ---------- Marriage, Love, Sex, Submission, Sacrifice, Divorce, Confession, Reconciliation, Relationships, Priorities, Respect, Communication, Sacrifice, Courage, Holiness, Foxes, Sin, Disobedience, Premarital, Counseling, Friendship, Doxa, Redmond, Washington

Catching Foxes - Sermon Transcript

October 1, 2023 • Eddie Williams • Song of Songs 2:8–17