
Tell Others about God

September 2

September 2, 2018 • Gayle Thorn

Joshua led the Israelites in battle to conquer the land of Canaan. God did many wonderful things to help the Israelites win their battles. But after Joshua died, something terrible happened.

Judges 2:10-11 tells us what happened. “After the whole generation died, the next generation grew up. This new generation did not know about the Lord or what he had done for the Israelites. So the Israelites did something very evil before the Lord. They began serving the false god Baal.” Why did this new generation not know about God? Because no one had taught them about God. No one shared the stories about how God loved the Israelites and took care of them.

Every Christian has the responsibility of telling the next generation the Good News about Jesus. Maybe you don’t have any children. Maybe you are still young yourself.
But you still have the responsibility of setting a good example and telling others what God has done for you. Read Bible stories to your children or grandchildren. Teach a Bible study for young people. Invite neighborhood children to watch Christian videos in your home.

Look for ways today to share God with the next generation. God will be with you and bless you.

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