
True Statements (4)

December 29

December 29, 2019 • Bonnie Hall

Today we will look at Paul’s final “true statement” which we can find in Titus 3:7-8. “We were made right with God by his grace. God saved us so that we could be his children and look forward to receiving life that never ends. This is a true statement. And I want you to be sure that the people understand these things. Then those who believe in God will be careful to use their lives for doing good. These things are good and will help everyone.”

How does Paul say that God makes us right with Him? We are made right through His grace. Why does God want to save us? Because He wants us to be His children and share eternal life with Him.

When we realize how we can become right with God and why He wants to save us, we will want to use our lives for doing good things. These good things are not for ourselves. We do these good things to help other people and show them God’s love.

Take time today to think about how God has saved you. Next, think about how wonderful it will be to live with Him in heaven. And finally, use your life to do good things that lead other people to know about God.

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