
Bad News

September 7

September 7, 2018 • Opal Cochran

Yesterday we learned that the Midianites came into the land where the Israelites lived. Judges 6:5-6 tells us the bad news about what happened to the Israelites. “The Midianites came with their families, animals, and tents. They were like a swarm of locusts! They and their camels were too many to count. They came into the land and ruined it. The Israelites became very poor because of the Midianites. So the Israelites cried to the Lord for help.”

In the past, God had done many wonderful things for Israel. He led them safely out of Egypt and did many miracles for them as they traveled to their new home. But later the Israelites forgot about God. That’s when God allowed other people to bother the Israelites. Their crops were ruined, and they became poor and hungry.

Today there is a lot of bad news in the world. Terrible things are happening to people. Many of these terrible things happen because people disobey God. God is not happy with all the wrong things people do against Him and His Word.

When you see bad things happening to other Christians today, pray to God and ask for His guidance. God will always be your source of strength when troubles happen. He will never fail you!

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