
Grace: Onesimus

September 15

September 15, 2019 • Matt Keller

The book of Philemon is a letter Paul wrote to a Christian man named Philemon. Philemon had a servant named Onesimus. Onesimus was not a Christian. One day he ran away from Philemon. When Paul was in prison, he met Onesimus. Paul told him
about Jesus, and Onesimus became a Christian, too.

Onesimus decided to return to Philemon, so Paul wrote this letter and sent it with Onesimus. In the letter, Paul talked about grace several times, and he reminded Philemon about the grace he had received from God. In Philemon 17, we read what Paul asked Philemon to do. “ If you accept me as your friend, then accept Onesimus back. Welcome him like you would welcome me.”

Paul also said that if Onesimus had done anything wrong to Philemon do.” or owed him anything, Paul would accept the responsibility for the things Onesimus did. This is similar to the way Jesus accepted the punishment for our sins!

The book of Philemon is a good lesson for us about grace. Think about God’s grace today. Remember that God forgave the debt you owed Him by sending Jesus to die on the cross. Isn’t God’s grace wonderful?

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