
Answered Prayers

May 4

Bonnie Hall

Sometimes we may have many problems. Maybe we have some kind of sickness or family problems or trouble with our job. We may think that these problems will never end. We wonder how we can continue to live with these problems.

The Israelites were slaves in Egypt. They prayed to God and asked Him to help them. Exodus 2:24 tells us that God paid attention to the prayers of the Israelites. “God heard their painful cries and remembered the agreement he made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” God answered their prayers by sending Moses to help free them from slavery. The Israelites knew that Moses had been sent by God to help them.

When I am facing difficult situations in my life, I pray and ask God to help me. But I need to remember that God will answer my prayers in His time. He will always do what is best for me. I also need to be patient and wait for God’s answer. And I need to be willing to accept God’s answer, even though it may not be what I want to happen.

Are you facing problems in your life today? Have you asked God to help you? God helped the Israelites, and He will help you, too!