
Live Wisely

June 17

Donna Howard

The writer of Psalm 90 talks about time and the shortness of our life on earth. Psalm 90:10 gives a summary of life. “We live about 70 years or, if we are strong, 80 years. But most of them are filled with hard work and pain. Then, suddenly, the years are gone, and we fly away.”

Some people are able to enjoy their families and serve God for many years. But often they look back over their lives and wonder if they have used their time wisely for God. In the New Testament, Paul warned Christians to not be foolish with their lives. Instead, he encouraged them to obey God and live wisely.

If we live wisely, we need to do what God wants us to do. What does God want us to do? He wants us to spend time with our family and friends — loving them, sharing with them and encouraging them. God also wants us to work hard at our jobs and to reach out to the people we work with. But most of all, God wants us to spend time with Him — loving Him, praising Him, praying to Him, reading His Word and obeying Him. If we do those things, we will be living wisely.

Think about your life today. Are you spending time with God? Are you living wisely for Him?