
Gideon (1)

September 8

September 8, 2018 • Opal Cochran

God spoke to an Israelite named Gideon. He told Gideon that He was helping Israel. We can find Gideon’s response in Judges 6:13. “Then Gideon said, ‘Pardon me, sir, but if the Lord is with us, why are we having so many troubles? We heard that he did wonderful things for our ancestors. They tell us that the Lord took them out
of Egypt. But now it seems the Lord has left us and is letting the Midianites defeat us.’”

God told Gideon to use His power to save the Israelites. But Gideon did not believe he could lead the Israelites against the Midianites. He thought that he was weak and too young. So God assured Gideon that He would be with him and help him defeat the Midianites. Later, Gideon obeyed, and he was able to save Israel and overcome the Midianites.

Some people today think that they can fight evil in the world by themselves. But we cannot do that without God’s power. Many times throughout the Bible, God tells us that He will be with us to give us strength and help us overcome evil.

God helped Gideon lead the Israelites to a victory over their enemies. And He will give us victory over sin through His Son, Jesus!

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