
The Big Picture

May 4

May 4, 2019 • Jo Krueger

Many of Jesus’ followers thought that He had come to free Israel from being ruled by the Romans and to set up His own kingdom on earth. Jesus explained to them many times that His kingdom was not on earth. But even His closest followers did not understand that.

We have learned that Jesus stayed on earth after His resurrection and continued to teach His followers. Acts 1:6 tells us something that happened right before Jesus left the earth. “The apostles were all together. They asked Jesus, ‘Lord, is this the time for you to give the people of Israel their kingdom again?’” Jesus explained that God would send the Holy Spirit to give them power. Then they would share the Good News about Him with the whole world.

Jesus’ followers did not see the “big picture.” They were only thinking about their desire to be free from the Romans. But that was not God’s plan. God’s “big picture” was for them to remain under Roman rule while they established His church and helped it
to grow.

Sometimes we may not see the “big picture” that God has planned for us. But we need to keep trusting Him and His plan for our lives. Live for God today and depend on Him!

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