
Wise Men (5)

January 18

January 18, 2019 • Gayle Thorn

After the wise men talked with King Herod in Jerusalem, the star led them to finally find Jesus. Matthew 2:11 tells us what happened when they found Jesus. “The wise men came to the house where the child was with his mother Mary. They bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their boxes of gifts they had brought for him. They gave him treasures of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”

The wise men were probably well-educated men. They must have been wealthy, too. They had to be wealthy in order to give such expensive gifts to Jesus. We all know that gold is expensive. And frankincense and myrrh were very valuable spices at that time. The wise men were willing to give these wonderful gifts to a young child.

It is interesting that these educated and wealthy men bowed down and worshiped a young child. These men were wise enough to know that Jesus was worthy of their honor, respect and worship. They were also humble and bowed before Him.

How can you be like the wise men? First, recognize that Jesus is God’s Son and that He is worthy of your praise, adoration and worship. Then, show your humility by worshiping and serving Jesus every day.

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