
No Water

June 13

Jo Krueger

The Bible tells us that God did many more miracles for the Israelites as they traveled in the desert. One miracle happened when they were camped at Rephidim. There was no water for the people and animals to drink. So what did the people do? Did they remember how God had taken care of them in the past? No! The Israelites started complaining again. Then they argued with Moses.

Moses was afraid that the Israelites might kill him, so he asked God what he should do. In Exodus 17:5-6 we read what God said to Moses. “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Go before the Israelites. Take some of the elders of the people with you. Carry your walking stick with you. This is the stick that you used when you hit the Nile River. I will stand before you on a rock at Horeb. Hit that rock with the walking stick and water will come out of it. Then the people can drink.’”

Today we can read the Bible and learn that God will take care of us. But when troubles come, we often complain — just like the Israelites. Instead of depending on God to help us through bad times, we complain and whine about what is happening to us.

Maybe you will face some bad times today. Instead of complaining, remember to thank God and depend on Him.