
Wise Men (3)

January 16

January 16, 2019 • Jo Krueger

The wise men probably expected to find the new king in Jerusalem. Why? Because Jerusalem was the most important city in Israel, and the king usually lived there. After traveling so far, the wise men may have been disappointed that they had to continue to look for Jesus.

When the wise men did not find Jesus in Jerusalem, they could have turned around and gone home. But they did not give up. Matthew 2:9 tells us that they faithfully continued to follow God’s star. “After the wise men heard the king, they left. They saw the star they had seen in the east, and they followed it. The star went before them until it stopped above the place where the child was.”

Sometimes in life we may face difficult times — like sickness, death, financial struggles, divorce or family problems. But we should not let those problems stop us from following God. Instead, we should be like the wise men and continue faithfully to follow God’s leading.

The wise men flowed a star. We need to follow God and His Word, the Bible. God has promised us that He will never leave us alone. He will be with us to encourage, teach and lead us. No matter what is happening in your life today, stay faithful to God!

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