
Peter's Message (2)

May 12

May 12, 2019 • Jennifer Forrester

Peter continued talking to the crowd about Jesus. He reminded them that Jesus was arrested and given over to some Jews. The Jews chose to sentence Jesus to death. Peter told the people in the crowd that they had nailed Jesus to the cross!

Then Peter said God knew that all those things would happen. It was part of the plan He had made a long time ago. Peter explained part of God’s plan in Acts 2:24. “Jesus suffered the pain of death, but God made him free. He raised him from death. There was no way for death to hold him.”

Some of the people Peter spoke to probably followed the beliefs of the Sadducees. The Sadducees did not believe in resurrection. So it may have been hard for some of those people to believe that Jesus truly rose from the dead. Peter talked about King David who died and was buried. Then he reminded the people that he and others had seen Jesus alive. They were witnesses of His resurrection.

It is very important for us to believe that Jesus died and came alive again. The resurrection is the center of our Christian faith. And because Jesus rose from the dead, we can also experience resurrection when Jesus comes again. Praise God that Jesus overcame death!

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