
Who is God?

May 6

David Kilda

There are many Deaf people in the world. They need to learn how to read and write. They need to learn sign language and study things like geography and science. Also they need to learn about new technology and ways to communicate.

But there is something more important that Deaf people need to know. All Deaf people need to know about God and His Son, Jesus. God made all people — Deaf and hearing — to be like Him. God made people to be different than animals. God made us to communicate with Him and praise Him.

Yesterday we learned that God spoke to Moses from a burning bush. Moses asked God who He was. He wanted to know God’s name so He could share that with the Israelites. Exodus 3:14 gives us God’s answer. “Then God said to Moses, ‘‘Tell them, “I AM WHO I AM.” When you go to the Israelites, tell them, “I AM” sent me to you.’” This shows us that God has always existed and will continue to exist forever.

We need to tell Deaf people around the world about God. We need to tell them that God loves them and that He has prepared a place for them to live forever. Tell someone about God today!