
Christmas Story (2)

December 21

December 21, 2019 • Jo Krueger

When a baby is born to a king and queen, it is a very exciting time. The baby's birth is announced on TV and in the newspapers. Famous people from all over the world travel many miles to bring expensive gifts for the baby. And the baby lives in a beautifully decorated nursery in the place.

Jesus is God’s only Son. But when Jesus was born, it was not like a royal birth today. Jesus was born in a place where animals were kept. His parents were poor people. Only a few people knew about His birth. Jesus’ birth was very humble. And Jesus continued to show humility throughout His life on earth. He lived His life as a servant.

Paul explained about Jesus’ humility in Philippians 2:7-8. “Instead, he gave up everything, even his place with God. He accepted the role of a servant, appearing in human form. During his life as a man, he humbled himself by being fully obedient to God, even when that caused his death — death on a cross.” Jesus humbly gave up His life. Why? So we can have our sins forgiven.

Wow! Thank Jesus today for coming from the glory of heaven to live and die on earth. And follow His example of love and humility.

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