
Peter's Message (1)

May 11

May 11, 2019 • Jennifer Forrester

Peter stood up and spoke to the large group of Jewish people gathered in Jerusalem. He quoted Old Testament verses from the book of Joel. Those verses talked about the miraculous things that were happening on that day in Jerusalem.

Then Peter talked about Jesus. Many of the people in the crowd had seen Jesus teach and do miracles while He was on earth. In Acts 2:22 Peter reminded the people of the things Jesus had done. “My fellow Israelites, listen to these words: Jesus from Nazareth was a very special man. God clearly showed this to you. He proved it by the miracles, wonders, and miraculous signs he did through Jesus. You all saw these things, so you know this is true.”

Some of the people there had witnessed Jesus’ miracles and teaching, but they did not believe that He was God’s Son. They refused to accept the things Jesus did that proved He was God’s Son. In his message, Peter tried to show the people that Jesus truly was the Messiah, the Chosen One.

We cannot see Jesus doing miracles like those people did. But we can read about those miracles in the Bible. Then we can believe that those things really happened and that Jesus’ power came from God. Tell someone today that you believe Jesus is God’s Son.

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