
John, the Writer

January 10

January 10, 2019 • Jo Krueger

John, and his brother, James, were part of the twelve men that Jesus taught for several years. Often Jesus asked John, James and Peter to stay with Him so He could give them special training. In his book, John sometimes referred to himself as “the follower that Jesus loved very much.”

Many of John’s experiences with Jesus were centered around Lake Galilee. That is where John fished and where Jesus called him to be a special follower. John ends his book by telling about Jesus on the shore of Lake Galilee after His resurrection.

The book of Galatians tells us that after Jesus ascended to heaven, John was one of the leaders in the church in Jerusalem. He boldly preached about Jesus and His plan of salvation. The New Testament also contains more of John’s writing. The books of 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and Revelation were all written by John.

John knew that Jesus was God’s Son and that He was the light God had sent to shine in the darkness of sin. John wrote about this in John 1:4. “In him there was life, and that life was a light for the people of the world.” John wanted to share this news with everyone he met. Will you share Jesus with someone today?

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