
Wise Men (6)

January 19

January 19, 2019 • Gayle Thorn

Today is our last devotion about the wise men. Let’s review what we have learned about these men. God gave the wise men a sign to lead them to Jesus. That sign was a star. The wise men faithful obeyed God and followed the star. They knew it would lead them to Jesus who was the new king born on earth.

After the wise men saw Mary, Joseph and Jesus, God gave them a warning message. Matthew 2:12 tells us this message. “But God warned the wise men in a dream not to go back to Herod. So they went home to their own country a different way.” Again, the wise men obeyed God and took a different route home.

Like the wise men, we should faithfully obey God. We should devote our lives to doing what God wants us to do. And we should avoid things that God says are wrong. We can learn about those things by reading and studying the Bible.

We don’t have a star to lead us to Jesus today. Instead, we have the Bible. When we study God’s Word, we can find the way to Jesus.

Are you like the wise men? Are you faithfully obeying God and following His Word every day?

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