
Trust God’s Plan

September 3

September 3, 2018 • Gayle Thorn

Yesterday we talked about the new generation of Israelites that did not know about God. Because those people did not worship God, He stopped helping them in their battles. So the Israelites were forced to live among people who did not love and serve God.

God became angry with the Israelites. Judges 2:21-22 tells us what God said. “So I will no longer defeat the nations and clear the way for the Israelites. Those nations were still in this land when Joshua died, and I will let them stay in this land. I will use them
to test the Israelites. I will see if the Israelites can keep the Lord’s commands as their ancestors did.”

It is sad that many people in the world today are like the pagan people who lived among the Israelites. These people reject God and live wicked lives. And sometimes these evil people influence Christians to stop loving and serving God.

You may wonder why God doesn’t protect Christians by removing evil people from the earth. Some day Jesus will come again, and evil people and their influence will be gone. But in the meantime, we need to trust God and His plan for our lives. Faithfully serve and obey Him every day!

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