
Peter's Message (3)

May 13

May 13, 2019 • Jennifer Forrester

Peter quoted verses from the Old Testament, and he shared some of his personal experiences with Jesus. Then He told the Jews that they had killed Jesus! How did they react to this? Many of the people felt very, very sorry. They asked Peter what they should do.

Peter gave his response in Acts 2:38. “Peter said to them, ‘Change your hearts and lives and be baptized, each one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ. Then God will forgive your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’” Peter told the people in the crowd to do two things: 1) change their hearts and lives, and 2) be baptized.

Changing our hearts and lives is called repentance. It is not easy to change and repent. And it certainly was very hard for those Jewish people to give up their old way of living and follow Jesus. Baptism is a beautiful picture of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. When we are baptized, we die to our old sinful way of living. We are buried under the water, and we rise out of the water as a new person who looks forward to living forever with God.

Have you changed your life and been baptized? Obey Peter’s message and start your new life today!

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