
Luke, the Writer

January 8

January 8, 2019 • Jo Krueger

Colossians 4:14 tells us that Luke was a doctor. He was also a friend to Paul and traveled with him as he preached around the world. How do we know that Luke traveled with Paul? There are several sections in the book of Acts where Luke uses the word “we.” This shows us that Luke was with Paul when those events occurred.

When Luke was writing about Jesus to Theophilus, he was very careful and organized. He began his book in Luke 1:1-2. “Most Honorable Theophilus: Many others have tried to give a report of the things that happened among us to complete God’s plan. What they have written agrees with what we learned from the people who saw these events from the beginning. They also served God by telling people his message.” Luke learned about Jesus from people who lived and worked with Him.

Throughout his Gospel, Luke presented Jesus as someone who came to live among sinners, love them, help them and die for them. Luke often used the term “Son of Man” for Jesus. Jesus was God’s Son, but He was also a man who served and helped people all of His earthly life.

Jesus cared about the people He lived with. He also cares about you! He wants you to love and trust Him and faithfully serve Him every day.

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