
The Utmost Podcast Episode 5

Episode 5

March 13, 2023 • Pastor Andrew Betts, Kody Lankford • 1 Thessalonians 4

In Today's Episode of The Utmost Podcast, we dive into some news and 1st Thessalonians 4. 

The big news is coming out of China where a new app named SmartReligeon affects millions of Christians nationwide. Users are required to give all their personal information and are required to make "reservations" in order to attend church. This is supposedly done in the name of "safety" but this story seems to have darker implications. 

In some more hopeful news, a new Congressional Family Caucus has been created with the goal of "Preserving the Natural Family, one man and one woman committed to each other for life." The proponents of this even quote the Bible in Deuteronomy 6 which says "diligently instruct your children to love God and to obey His commandments." 

In sports, this month of course is March Madness, and Pastor Andrew reminiscences of a fun story from his college days. 

Going back in time we have This Day In History March 13, 1925, was arguably the most famous trial involving the Bible. The Scopes trials aptly referred to as the Scopes Monkey Trial, was a court case in which lawyers argued as to whether the Bible was meant to be interpreted literally. 

As for 1st Thessalonians 4, we get into the teachings of Paul where he urges the church to abstain from immorality and to not try and take advantage of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Instead, we are instructed to live a quiet peaceable life and let God handle the rest.

The Utmost Podcast Episode 17

June 21, 2023 • Pastor Andrew Betts, Kody Lankford • 1 John 1

Pastor Andrew and Kody talk about June 22 1941 - Operation Barbarossa and the book by Rees Howells, "Intercessor". Pastor Andrew brings the CDC's "Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System" a report talking about and the increased risk to anxiety, depression, and how it is affecting the youth. They discuss what happens when a culture completely abandons the truth. They finish by reading from 1st John Chapter 1 : 1-10

The Utmost Podcast Episode 16

June 12, 2023 • Pastor Andrew Betts, Kody Lankford • Ephesians 6:1–9

With Father's Day just around the corner, Andrew and Kody talk about their upbringing, specifically, Kodys dads lack of hair and Andrews's father Pastor Rick. Andrew and Kody dive into a study about the effects of having an involved father in the house. The positive effects are profound, from more Emotional Stability to Better Grades in School and a lower likelihood of drug involvement. Historically we have the origins of Flag Day in the United States and its evolution through history finally landing on the one we know today on July 4th, 1960. With this final iteration came the meaning behind the colors of the US Flag. White - Purity, Innocence. Red - Valor, Heartiness. Blue - Vigilance, Perseverance. All aspects of a good Father. The fatherly theme continues with Ephesians 6, The first 9 verses that deal with honoring your parents to leave a long and prosperous life as well as how fathers are to raise their children,

The Utmost Podcast Episode 15

June 4, 2023 • Pastor Andrew Betts, Kody Lankford • 1 Timothy 2

Episode 15 starts with Kody talking about his recent trip to Georgia. The conversation moves to horses where Andrew brings up his experience riding Camels. Andrew and Kody discuss the Johnstown Flood and how that tragedy was the inception of The United States' reputation of always willing to help in any disaster. The conversation moves to the duo talking about a recent survey about how and when people pray. The findings include that 85% of people do pray or have prayed in the last year. Included are questions about how often, for how long, and with who people pray. Kody then brings up an upcoming movie called The Blind starring the cast of Duck Dynasty. Kody and Andrew dive into the first half of 1st Timothy 2. Centering around prayer we are commanded to pray for all people, so we may live peaceably.