
The Utmost Podcast Episode 15

Episode 15

June 4, 2023 • Pastor Andrew Betts, Kody Lankford • 1 Timothy 2

Episode 15 starts with Kody talking about his recent trip to Georgia. The conversation moves to horses where Andrew brings up his experience riding Camels. Andrew and Kody discuss the Johnstown Flood and how that tragedy was the inception of The United States' reputation of always willing to help in any disaster.

The conversation moves to the duo talking about a recent survey about how and when people pray. The findings include that 85% of people do pray or have prayed in the last year. Included are questions about how often, for how long, and with who people pray. Kody then brings up an upcoming movie called The Blind starring the cast of Duck Dynasty. Kody and Andrew dive into the first half of 1st Timothy 2. Centering around prayer we are commanded to pray for all people, so we may live peaceably.