
Community Group Questions

CG Questions: Labor and Reward

April 28, 2024 • Pastor Aaron Gray • Matthew 20:1–16

1. The OT has laws about how employers are to treat hired workers that are designed to protect the workers. In what other ways does the OT law show God’s gracious care for his people? 2. When you look around at the blessings that others have received, how does that make you feel? Do you struggle with comparing yourself to others? How can we fight that? 3. What is the relationship between equality and justice? 4. The kingdom reveals the character of the king. As you look at the ways Jesus describes the kingdom of God, what do you learn about God’s character? 5. How can God be just and act with grace towards sinners at the same time?  6. How would you explain the idea of grace-driven effort to someone who is not a Christian? How and why do we seek to obey God if we are saved by grace? 7. What does obedience to Colossians 3:23 look like for you? How can you encourage one another in that?

CG Questions: Obstacles to Following Jesus

April 21, 2024 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel • Matthew 19:13–29

1. What does a childlike faith look like? Do you feel like you have a childlike faith? 2. Do you think Jesus’ response to the rich young ruler contradicts the concept of salvation by grace alone? Why or why not? 3. The rich, young ruler left his interaction with Jesus deeply saddened but Zacchaeus left his interaction with Jesus excited. Who do you relate to more? What is your response when you see idolatry in your life? 4. Are there obstacles in your life that keep you from following Jesus? Or to following him more closely, more intimately?

CG Questions: Humility & Forgiveness

April 14, 2024 • Pastor Adam Christiansen • Matthew 18:21–35

1. What do you do when you believe someone has sinned against? Does that align with what the scriptures teach about the subject? Where do you need to come into alignment with Biblical teaching? 2. What do you do when you are in relational conflict with another? 3. Did the Holy Spirit bring areas of pride to mind that you need to deal with? 4. Are there any people you need to forgive? As your friends and community of believers how can we help walk with you in this? 5. Pray for one another!

CG Questions: The Glory of the Son of God

April 7, 2024

1. How would you define glory in your own words? Did that definition change after listening to this sermon? 2. Where do we need more adequate faith? Is there an area of your life where you find it hard to trust Jesus? 3. How are faith and obedience related? 4. Do you demonstrate your faith by your obedience? 5. Fill in the blank: If I believed __________, it would help me obey ________. 6. What is the difference between little faith and great faith? How can we grow in faith so that we are not overwhelmed during hard times?

CG Questions: Jesus' Last Night

March 24, 2024 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel • Matthew 26

1. Review the Passover story in Exodus 12, in what ways does this event ultimately point to Christ? 2. If a non-believing friend asked you about communion, how would you explain what it is and why we do it? 3. With Easter coming up this week, spend some time as a group praying for our church and specifically for all the people who don’t regularly attend church but will be at one of our services. Is there anyone you can invite to come to church with you?

CG Questions: Jesus' Last Week

March 17, 2024 • Pastor Adam Christiansen • Philippians 2:5–8

1. As we are approaching Easter, share with your CG how your walk with God is going lately. How can you be praying for and supporting one another? 2. How does the resurrection make Christianity different from every other worldview and religion? 3. Jesus’ main points in his discussion of the end times are that believers should be prepared, be ready to suffer, and be ready to trust. How is Jesus’ conversation with the disciples in Matthew 24 (also in Mark 13 and Luke 21) encouraging for us as believers today? 4. Do you trust that God can give you the courage and the words to say to share the gospel with your friends, family, or coworkers? 5. The Passover meal was a celebration designed to remind the nation of Israel about God’s faithfulness in rescuing them from slavery in Egypt. Do you have any regular rhythms, meals, or occasions that remind you of God’s faithfulness to you in your life?

CG Questions: Who is Jesus and Why Does It Matter

March 10, 2024 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel • Matthew 16:13–28

1. Have you talked with people who have different opinions of who Jesus is? What are some of the things you have heard? Have you believed something different about Jesus than what you believe now? 2. If we can’t argue someone into the kingdom, why do we still do evangelism? How can we obey 1 Peter 3:15? 3. If Jesus is the one who is building His Church, what role do you have to play? 4. What does it look like for you to “deny yourself and take up your cross”? Is there a specific way you feel God calling you to deny yourself? 5. Who do you say Jesus is? What does that mean for you today? 6. Do you love the Church Jesus builds for his glory and our joy?

CG Questions: Jesus and the Pharisees

March 3, 2024 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel • Matthew 16:1–12

1. In your heart, do you tend more towards legalism or license? What does the gospel say about legalism and license? 2. What teaching do we have today that is similar to the Saducees’ hedonistic worldview? 3. What teaching do we have today that is similar to the Pharisees’ self-righteousness? 4. Review the “Questions to Consider” at the end of your sermon notes. How do you think your non believing friends or family members would answer these questions? How would we answer these biblically? Spend some time as a group listing out specific verses or passages that answer these questions.

CG Questions: What Defiles a Person

February 25, 2024 • Pastor Adam Christiansen • Matthew 15:1–31

1. Do you agree that we are fundamentally bad people? 2. Have you added your own rules and commandments on top of what God has commanded? How can you tell the difference between your own law and God’s law? 3. Can you think of a time when God used pressure, stress, or hardship to reveal the depth of your sin to you? 4. Take some time to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you areas of your life where you need to be transformed or renewed.  5. Are you in a time where you need to pray “Lord, help me” like the Canaanite woman? 6. Of the three scenes in the text, which one do you identify with most? The Pharisees seeking self-righteousness, the disciples seeking greater understanding, or the Canaanite woman seeking God’s grace?

CG Questions: Jesus' Rule - To Rule & Be Worshipped

February 18, 2024 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel • Matthew 14:13–36

1. Jesus often used his disciples to accomplish his purposes. How can Jesus use you in the same way? Do you know someone who needs to hear the gospel or who needs love and care? 2. Jesus occasionally taught the disciples through their participation. Can you think of a time in your life where you learned through participation? 3. Where do you feel like you are at the edge of your capacity or abilities? Where do you need to rely on Jesus to provide? 4. Have you ever loved the gifts that Jesus gives more than Jesus himself? How can we fight against this? 5. What does your time with Jesus look like? How can you grow and be more consistent in this? Who do you need to help hold you accountable? 6. Can you relate to Peter’s desperate cry for Jesus to save him? Reflect on Jesus’ response to Peter and what that means for your life.

CG Questions: Parables of the Kingdom

February 11, 2024 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel • Matthew 13:24–52

1. What is the Kingdom of God? 2. Do you ever doubt that God is actively building His Kingdom from a mustard seed into a giant mustard bush today? If so, how do you handle that doubt? If not, how can you help someone else who does struggle with that? 3. How do you see the gospel changing and challenging every part of who you are? 4. Do you believe the gospel and the Kingdom of God is worth giving everything you have? Is there something you are holding back? 5. What is one key takeaway from each of the parables in this passage? 6. How can you be praying for and participating in the spread of God’s Kingdom?

CG Questions: Parables: The Sower and the Seed

February 4, 2024 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel • Matthew 13:1–23

1. What is a parable? Why did Jesus teach in parables? 2. In your sermon notes, review the 4 types of soil. Do you know someone that can be described by one of these soil types? How can you be praying for them or reaching out to them with the gospel? 3. What enables you to bear much fruit? 4. What prevents you from bearing much fruit? 5. Review the acronym SCRIPT in your sermon notes. What do each of the letters look like in your life? Which parts can you grow in? Which ones are you doing well?

CG Questions: Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

January 28, 2024 • Pastor Adam Christiansen • Matthew 12:22–50

CG Questions: 1. Have you ever had doubts, anxiety, struggles, etc. based on this topic of committing blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, the unforgivable sin? 2. When you come across a verse or passage that you do not understand or that seems to contradict other parts of the Bible, what do you do? How do you handle those difficult passages? 3. When accused of demonic power, Jesus points to his Holy Spirit-empowered work against the work of the enemy. How has Jesus worked in your own life? Reflect on how God has saved you, rescued you, healed you, sanctified you, etc. 4. What is the relationship between blasphemy and apostasy? How are those two actions similar? How are they different? 5. Take some time as a group to list out and pray for people you know who have not trusted in Christ as their Savior. How can you start a conversation with them about the hope and forgiveness that we have?

CG Questions: Jesus: Lord of the Sabbath

January 21, 2024 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel • Matthew 12:1–14

CG Questions: 1. If you were talking to someone who is not a believer, how would you describe the difference between legalistic obedience and obedience that stems from faith? 2. Do you have a regular sabbath rhythm? What does rest look like for you? How does the work of Christ impact how you look at rest? 3. Have you made laws for yourself that are above and beyond what scripture would command? 4. How is legalism opposed to kindness and mercy? 5. Do you struggle with legalism? What does the gospel say to the legalistic heart? 6. Are you trying to earn acceptance from God or others? Or are you resting in the fact that God in Christ already accepts you?

CG Questions: Matthew - Accepting or Rejecting Jesus

January 14, 2024 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel • Matthew 11:16–30

CG Questions: 1. What is your relationship with God like right now? 2. Are there things you need to repent of? how can your community help you turn from those things? 3. Are you trying to earn righteousness through your good deeds? Or by comparing yourself to others around you? 4. Look back at Matthew 11:28, how has Jesus given you rest from your burdens? 5. What does it mean that Jesus’ “yoke is easy, and his burden is light”. Does your life reflect this? 6. Who can you share the good news of the gospel with?