
CG Questions: Parables of the Kingdom

Matthew 13:24-52

February 11, 2024 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel • Matthew 13:24–52

1. What is the Kingdom of God?

2. Do you ever doubt that God is actively building His Kingdom from a mustard seed into a giant mustard bush today? If so, how do you handle that doubt? If not, how can you help someone else who does struggle with that?

3. How do you see the gospel changing and challenging every part of who you are?

4. Do you believe the gospel and the Kingdom of God is worth giving everything you have? Is there something you are holding back?

5. What is one key takeaway from each of the parables in this passage?

6. How can you be praying for and participating in the spread of God’s Kingdom?

CG Questions: The Last Days

May 12, 2024 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel • Matthew 24, Matthew 25

1. What is your background in thinking about the end times? 2. Were you familiar with any of the terms in the sermon notes? Were any new to you? 3. Why should Christians think about and study what scripture says about the end times? 4. Throughout the New Testament, end times passages are typically intended to encourage those who first heard or read the message. Is that your response to end times passages? Why or why not? 5. In the sermon notes, review the last section with the header “What am I to do?”. How can you encourage and support the members of your CG to pursue these?

CG Questions: Hope for Hypocrites

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Matthias Haeusel • Matthew 23:13–30

1. Review the seven woes against the Pharisees that Jesus lists out and summarize them in your own words. Do you struggle with any of those? 2. What would you tell someone if they know they are not right with God? How can you walk them through that? 3. Is it easier for you to obey some commandments and harder to obey others? 4. As believers, when we are confronted with our sin, what is our hope? How can we remind ourselves of this hope? 5. What is revealed of God's character in how he treats hypocrites?

CG Questions: Labor and Reward

April 28, 2024 • Pastor Aaron Gray • Matthew 20:1–16

1. The OT has laws about how employers are to treat hired workers that are designed to protect the workers. In what other ways does the OT law show God’s gracious care for his people? 2. When you look around at the blessings that others have received, how does that make you feel? Do you struggle with comparing yourself to others? How can we fight that? 3. What is the relationship between equality and justice? 4. The kingdom reveals the character of the king. As you look at the ways Jesus describes the kingdom of God, what do you learn about God’s character? 5. How can God be just and act with grace towards sinners at the same time?  6. How would you explain the idea of grace-driven effort to someone who is not a Christian? How and why do we seek to obey God if we are saved by grace? 7. What does obedience to Colossians 3:23 look like for you? How can you encourage one another in that?