
Day 17


• If I ask anything in Your name, You will do it.
***John 14:14***
• I will always pray and not lose heart.
***Luke 18:1***
• If I believe, I will have whatever I ask for in prayer.
***Mark 11:24***
• I am fully convinced that You are able to fulfill your promises.
***Romans 4:21***
• I will ask in faith, without doubting.
***James 1:6***
• I will delight myself in the Lord, and He will give me the desires of my heart.
***Psalms 37:4***
• I will watch and pray so that I do not enter into temptation.
***Matthew 26:41***
• In all my ways, I will acknowledge You, and You will direct my path.
***Proverbs 3:6***