
Day 20


• A soft answer turns away wrath.
***Proverbs 15:1***
• I will always give thanks to God for all things.
***Ephesians 5:20***
• I will be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.
***James 1:19***
• I will always let my speech be filled with grace.
***Colossians 4:6***
• The Holy Spirit will teach me what to say.
***Luke 12:12***
• I will keep my lips from deceitful speech.
***1 Peter 3:10***
• I will speak evil of no one.
***Titus 3:2***
• Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight.
***Psalms 19:14***
• I will speak the truth in love.
***Ephesians 4:15***
• Out of the abundance of my heart, my mouth speaks.
***Matthew 12:34***