
What's God Like?

The Forgiveness of God

September 3, 2023 • Pastor Dillon Barber

Today we are going to talk about the forgiveness of God. But what does forgiveness have to do with the nature of God or the character of God? As I wrestled with that question this week I came to this simple conclusion. Forgiveness is the natural outcome of all of God’s attributes.

The Patience of God

August 27, 2023 • Pastor Phil Christiansen

Today, we are going to talk about God's patience. Patience is hard for us. And that’s why I think our time talking about what God’s like today has the potential to reset and reshape us when it comes to patience. 

The Goodness of God

August 20, 2023 • Pastor Brian Long

The attribute before us today is the “Goodness of God.” As we consider the Goodness of God I want to do three things: (1) I want to begin by refreshing our awareness of the Bible’s repeated declaration that our God is totally and completely good, (2) Having refreshed ourselves in that, I want to talk briefly about the mistake people often make when they doubt the goodness of God when bad stuff happens in life, and (3) I want to remind you why it is so important for you and I to keep a firm hold on the truth that God is good.

The Unconditional Love of God

August 13, 2023 • Pastor Dillon Barber

Today we are going to explore the subject of the Love of God which is arguably the most important of God’s attributes. Without God’s love, everything falls apart and we are all hopelessly lost and there is no meaning in life and there is no reason for the universe to exist. The funny thing is that we could say that about each of God’s attributes and it would be true. That is part of why this series is so great, because each week we explore just a tiny sliver of God’s character, a tiny bit of God’s wonder and majesty and beauty and through that we get a little glimpse of his nature. Nevertheless, the Love of God is probably the most important. At least it is this morning.  

The Marvelous Mercy of God

August 6, 2023 • Pastor Brian Long

One of the central realities we remember in communion, and one of the most stunning truths we celebrate in communion is the mercy of God shown to us. And mercy is our attribute of God we’re focusing on today in our series

In Praise of God’s Wrath

July 30, 2023 • Pastor Phil Christiansen

Whether we like the idea or not, God is a God of wrath. But that doesn’t sit well with most Christians because many don't really understand what it means. Today, we are going to talk about what it is and how wrath aligns with the rest of His unblemished attributes.

Grace: Getting what we don’t deserve

July 23, 2023 • Pastor Phil Christiansen

Today we are going to talk about grace. It changes us and empowers us to live by faith with a Kingdom heart. And it changes others, drawing them closer to God.

The Righteousness & Holiness of God

July 16, 2023 • Pastor Doug McNett

We’re continuing in our current series, “What’s God like?” Where we are going through some of the attributes of God. In this process, we’re not only marveling at and responding in worship to His attributes, but we’re also looking at how the characteristics of God impact you and me and how we live out the life of a follower of Jesus. Today, we’re going dive into the “Holiness and Righteousness of God.” 

The Unchanging Nature of God

July 9, 2023 • Pastor Doug McNett

Pastor Doug gives an update and report on the student missions trip to France. He finishes his sermon unpacking another characteristic of God—immutability. A simpler way to describe this attribute is that He is “unchangeable.” 

God is Sovereign & Worthy of Praise

July 2, 2023 • Pastor Buddy James

We’re continuing our series What’s God Like taking a look at the attributes of God, what He’s like, and how He relates to us. Today, we are talking about the sovereignty of God and how it leads Christians to respond with praise.

The Nearness of God

June 25, 2023 • Pastor Brian Long

Today we step into our first attribute of God in our summer series, “What’s God like?” Here’s how this series can help you: Increased awareness leads to increased closeness. The more we know and the more familiar you are with God, the more willing you are to love him, trust him, and follow his leading in your life. Today I want to talk about the nearness of God. 

The Value of Knowing God

June 18, 2023 • Pastor Brian Long

Understanding what God’s like will enable us to relate to him in a more healthy and effective ways. And it will enable us to help others know and related to God in more healthy ways. Becoming well acquainted with God, and how he operates, what he values and what cuts across the grain of his very nature has tons of practical value for us as we live out our lives and learn to follow him.