
The Marvelous Mercy of God

August 6, 2023 • Pastor Brian Long

One of the central realities we remember in communion, and one of the most stunning truths we celebrate in communion is the mercy of God shown to us. And mercy is our attribute of God we’re focusing on today in our series

The Forgiveness of God

September 3, 2023 • Pastor Dillon Barber

Today we are going to talk about the forgiveness of God. But what does forgiveness have to do with the nature of God or the character of God? As I wrestled with that question this week I came to this simple conclusion. Forgiveness is the natural outcome of all of God’s attributes.

The Patience of God

August 27, 2023 • Pastor Phil Christiansen

Today, we are going to talk about God's patience. Patience is hard for us. And that’s why I think our time talking about what God’s like today has the potential to reset and reshape us when it comes to patience. 

The Goodness of God

August 20, 2023 • Pastor Brian Long

The attribute before us today is the “Goodness of God.” As we consider the Goodness of God I want to do three things: (1) I want to begin by refreshing our awareness of the Bible’s repeated declaration that our God is totally and completely good, (2) Having refreshed ourselves in that, I want to talk briefly about the mistake people often make when they doubt the goodness of God when bad stuff happens in life, and (3) I want to remind you why it is so important for you and I to keep a firm hold on the truth that God is good.