
Ten Commandments (Pt 6)

The Golden Image; Obelisks; King Nebuchadnezzar & Jacob's Trouble

March 5, 2022 • Daniel Joseph • Job 2:4, Daniel 3, Jeremiah 52:29

The Golden Image; Obelisks; King Nebuchadnezzar & Jacob's Trouble

Topics covered include:

- The golden image

- The 18th year of King Nebuchadnezzar and Jacobs trouble

- Commandments one and two continued

- Idolatry (part 3)

- Obelisks

- 666 as an end time marker

- Noah and the book of Daniel as prophetic end time markers

- Church father Irenaeus's commentary on the end times

- The deception of trusting in idols and swearing allegiance to false gods

- Though none go with me, still I will follow

Bible Verses Covered:

- Daniel 3:1

- Jeremiah 52:29

- Daniel 3:2

- Daniel 3:3a

- Daniel 3:3b

- Daniel 3:4-6

- Job 2:4

Other Sources Cited:

- LXX Daniel 3:1a

- LXX Daniel 3:1b

- Irenaeus

- 1 Maccabees 1:41-43

- 1 Maccabees 1:48b-50

- 1 Maccabees 2:15-18