
Ten Commandments (Pt 3)

The First Commandment: You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me

February 5, 2022 • Daniel Joseph • Romans 6:14–16, Exodus 20:2–3, Isaiah 45:22, Proverbs 6:34, Acts 17:28–30

The First Commandment: You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me

Topics covered include:

- The first commandment

- You shall have no other gods before Me

- A jealous God

- Inverted pagan prayers

- Stolen worship

- The deception of syncretism

- Ashera the consort

- Mary as the queen of heaven

Bible Verses Covered:

- Exodus 20:2

- Exodus 9:1

- Romans 6:14-16

- Exodus 20:3

- Isaiah 45:22

- Isaiah 42:8

- Exodus 34:14

- Proverbs 6:34

- Proverbs 27:4

- Deuteronomy 4:19

- Acts 17:28-30

- Habakkuk 3:3

- Jeremiah 7:8-11

- Jeremiah 7:17-18

Other Sources cited:

- Josephus, Antiquities

- LXX (Septuagint)

- Prayer To Marduk

- Prayer To the Gods of the Night

- The Shamash Hymn

- Cleanthes, Hymn of the Praise to Zeus

- The Inscriptions (Pithos A and B)

- Regina Caeli (Queen of Heaven Prayer)

- Saint Basil the Great

- Saint Maximillian Kolbe