
"The Right Side Up" (Matt. 5:1-12)

January 24, 2018 • Adam Daniels

We kicked off our series on "The Upside Down" by looking at Jesus' incredible announcements at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount! Could it be that Jesus is trying to tell us what reality is really like? And is it possible that everything we've known is backward? What if Jesus came to show us a different reality altogether, but one that has been there all along, waiting to be discovered? Links to the videos played during this talk are above.

"There's Something Wrong With Your Eye" (Matt. 6:19-34)

April 18, 2018 • Adam Daniels

In this teaching we explore what Jesus thinks about MONEY and WORRY. When it comes down to it, Jesus seems to think the problem is not those things, but the problem is with your eye and how you see your blessings, your situations, and the world around you.

"The Becoming Prayer" (Matt. 6:1-18)

April 4, 2018 • Adam Daniels

This teaching hones in on "The Lord's Prayer," Jesus' most famous teaching on prayer. We ask here what it means for us that Jesus would give us such a SHORT prayer, and one so very different from the prayers we tend to pray.

"The Third Way" (Matt. 5:38-48)

Adam Daniels

This teaching focuses on what Jesus is ACTUALLY saying when He says crazy things about TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK and WALKING THE OTHER MILE! Lots of historical context here, and LOTS of material to CHEW ON!