

The Book of Amos is an intriguing Scripture from a unique individual, Amos, a shepherd and fig tree farmer dwelling in southern Judah who is called by God to go to Bethel and announce warnings of judgment to the northern kingdom of Israel.


The Northern Kingdom of Israel enjoyed moderate success from conquering neighboring kingdoms, but they were spiritually bankrupt on the inside. In the Book of Hosea, God sends Hosea to Israel during King Jeroboam II's reign to admonish them of their wrongs in perpetual idol worship and dependence on outside nations.


The Book of Joel accounts for justice over evil in a form that's unique to the other Old Testament prophets. Unlike the other Books, Joel tells us a story about a terrible plague of locusts that seems to traverse across time.


The smallest Old Testament account, the Book of Obadiah is a vision written by The Lord's prophet known as Obadiah, who prophesied against Israel's relative nation Edom.