Clayton Baptist Church
Clayton Baptist Church
The Gospel of Luke
Holy Week 2023
Caring well for our loved ones through aging, illness, and disability.
Building Stronger
A Study of Nehemiah
His Glory: Studies in John and Revelation, Larry Richards (Audio Book)
Audio book read by Freddie Neal, Produced by Clayton Baptist Church
Be The Light
Team Jesus
Pressing On with Joey
The podcast with Senior Pastor of Clayton Baptist Church, Joey Thompson.
In a world gone astray, as followers of Christ, we are called to ENGAGE. We will learn Christ's call to engage the world around us and gain pratical insight in how to engage that culture.
Stand-alone Sermons
Special Services
Romans Sermon Series
Expository Sermons from the Book of Romans
True Community
A study of the Greek word Koinonia in the New Testament as related to Fellowship and Community in the Body of Christ.
WNL (Students)
Signs: Bible for Today & Tomorrow
Bible for Today and Tomorrow
Recent Worship Services
View a recent Worship Service here.
Clayton Kids
Fun, Biblical instruction for Kids... (and Parents too!)
Genesis Sermon Series
Expository Sermons from the Book of Genesis
Christ in Life and Death
2020 Summer Home Groups