
Without Faith? - Part III: A Living Faith


April 21, 2024 • Pastor Dallas Billington

There have been countless numbers of people who have tried to disprove The Bible. Many of them, through their searching, found out that The Bible is true and were Saved. Timelines and events in The Bible have been confirmed through archeology. It is vital for Christians to live by faith through the many struggles many of us experience in this life. We are often witnesses to those around us who see how we respond to adversity. Join us this Sunday as Pastor Dallas Billington continues his series, "Without Faith?", with a third message titled, "A Living Faith". Share this with friends and family and invite them to City Church. We look forward to seeing you Sunday at 11am. Remember for those who are not able to attend church in person, Pastor Dallas will begin preaching around 11:25 and we will live stream his message on Facebook Live and YouTube Live. Like or Subscribe to those pages to be alerted when our live stream is up and running.