June 7 - 14, 2025

“For from the rising of the sun to its setting, my name will be great among the nations...for my name will be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts.” - Malachi 1:11

Parents and students (completed 8th-12th at the end of the 2024-2025 school year) are invited to Belize for an opportunity to serve Jesus and experience His Church in a different context! This week will include worshiping with the local church, teaching the gospel to children through VBS and sports camp, helping with various construction projects, loving the elderly, and meeting some of the physical needs of those in the area.

Belize is a country with great spiritual and physical needs with 41% of the population below the poverty line. Belize is a safe, democratic nation with English as it's official language and is a great 101 international journey for students.

For fun on the last day, the team will travel via water taxi to the island of Caye Calker in order to snorkel the barrier reef, eat seafood on the beach, and debrief the trip while overlooking the Caribbean Sea.


COST: $1,850 (cost is per participant and includes flights, ground transportation, lodging, meals, trip book, and final day rec).

Registration (including $750 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit) is due by MAR. 1 in order to reserve a spot. We cannot reserve a spot until registration and deposit are received.

75% of total trip cost to be raised by April 10

100% of total trip cost to be raised by May 5

Each team member must have current passport (cannot expire within 6 months of trip).

Team members will raise prayer and financial support.



Please be aware that these training are required for all students and parents going on the journey.

Sunday, March 30, 12:45-2:45pm

Sunday, April 27, 12:24-2:45pm

Sunday, June 1, 6:30-8:30pm