
Healing Happens


August 7, 2022 • Dr Charles Kyker • 1 Corinthians 3

Christ Church has six essential Core Values that keep us grounded in our mission. Using the acronym of C-H-R-I-S-T, this week we are looking at H – Healing happens best in need-based ministries and small groups. Need-based ministries, like Celebrate Recovery, and sermon-based small groups we call Life Groups, are all about living into holiness – Sanctification, as John Wesley called it. We all have areas where we need special attention, intentional work, healing, deliverance, and transformation. Salvation is simply inviting the Person of Jesus Christ into your life, into the work-zone. And once you ask Jesus into your heart, you surrender your will (your way to His way) and trust Him to make Himself at home in your heart. The Lord loves you deeply and is ready to begin the healing and cleansing process. You both will work together.

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