
Incarnational & Inspirational Worship


August 21, 2022 • Dr Charles Kyker

Using the acronym C-H-R-I-S-T, the fourth core value of Christ Church is ‘I’ – “Incarnational and inspirational worship that is relevant and authentic is at the heart of who we are as we help people grow closer in their walk with Christ.” This fourth core value is a big one! What comes to mind when you think about worship? What does worship mean to you—how would you describe (explain, define) worship to someone who has no clue about God, the church, or who Jesus Christ is? Often, even those of us familiar with Christianity and the church may think of worship as a corporate service involving music, teaching, communion, and prayer. Others may think of worship as an event resembling a Christian concert. Still others may think of worship more in terms of a private setting, involving solitude and quiet reflection. Worship means different things to different people. What does the Bible say about worship?

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