
Reaching & Developing


July 24, 2022 • Pastor Mike Faircloth • Romans 8

What would you be willing to do to save the life of your child or someone you love? What are you willing to do to introduce people around you to the Lord Jesus Christ? Christ Church is willing to do whatever it takes to introduce people to the love of Christ. Our mission statement at Christ Church is “To reach millions of unchurched persons by developing thousands of fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ” – a big mission, but we have a big God. And our God is full of big, unfailing love. Christ Church is about reaching and developing. We want to reach people (individuals and families) who have yet to belong; and then to develop them so that they live into their full potential, with complete commitment to Christ. This is what God has done for us. God reached for us when He crossed the eternal portals of heaven and came to earth, when He gave the world the gift of His Son.

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